Dr Jindong Hou
Lead Research and Innovation Architect + Project SponsorEvery year, Vodafone holds our company-wide TechBoost competition, where our graduates, apprentices and interns sign up to work on a range of projects. This year, with a group of fantastic Vodafone team members, I helped to develop IntelliFile, a novel, AI-driven approach to tackling one of our most prevalent company pain points: efficient file searching.
In the era of big data, it is challenging for individuals or organisations to keep track of their various documents and files in all their forms. It’s becoming hard for people to even search for what they’re looking for, let alone find it in time to make informed decisions.
‘IntelliFile’ uses advanced analytics and natural language processing (NLP) solutions to proactively detect, parse, analyse and text-mine a corpus of raw text files and documents. Based on the cloud, it scans existing files to extract insights, categorise and improve search results across your file directories. The result? Efficient and intelligent file management, smart search, insights query and extraction to support various use cases.
What a fantastic experience it’s been to work alongside our young talent! I provided initial guidance to kick off the project, but after that, I encouraged the team to run it themselves while offering coaching along the way.
The project has been a resounding success. We ended up winning TechBoost 2022 and I couldn’t be more impressed with the team that’s managed to get it off the ground. Here are a few team members sharing their highlights and learnings from the experience.