Antonella Faniuolo
Head of Network Planning, Demand, Delivery & TransformationAt Vodafone we are undergoing an important transformation, creating ‘One Technology’ team across the whole of Europe in order to diversify from our traditional position as purely a telco. My team, Network Planning, Demand, Delivery & Transformation (NPDDT), is still relatively new. We are responsible for translating our overall network strategy into actionable market plans in line with key business priorities across 12 European countries, this is a hugely exciting role.
Since joining Vodafone 3 years ago, I’ve had lots of opportunities to shape and grow my career. I started in a country-focused role (Head of Network Strategy & Digital Transformation in Vodafone UK) and now lead a cross European function.
Before that, I worked for network vendors and for the UK communications regulator. I’ve always been really interested in where technology meets business – my role now revolves around that, so it’s perfect for me.
We’re at the heart of Vodafone’s transformation
Vodafone has traditionally been structured as a telco. However, back in 2019, our CEO set us the challenge to transform into a Techco in order to ensure our growth as an organisation.
At the heart of that strategy, we are bringing teams and markets together to create One Technology team in order to leverage our global scale. For my team, this means we are harmonising strategic planning, processes, governance and delivery, and completely changing our ways of working in order to improve efficiency and support growth. We also want to make sure Vodafone’s vision is embraced by everyone, not just the leadership, so cultural change is a vital part of it too.
It’s a challenging transformation, but hugely exciting and rewarding to lead. We have some of the best network engineering talent in the world and we are focused on ensuring that this is being leveraged properly, and that these talented people feel recognised, rewarded and thoroughly included as part of the team.
Women in tech can thrive here
We all have our role to play in helping progress and change. Being a woman in technology can still be challenging and there’s a lot of work to do at an industry level, but Vodafone is a modern and contemporary workplace with lots of great policies and initiatives in place to support women.
For a start, all employees undergo unconscious bias training. Mentoring is also widely available and encouraged. I’ve personally been involved in mentoring colleagues and found it hugely rewarding to see them progress and develop.
Our excellent paternity policy really helps to level the playing field and Reconnect is a great route back into the workplace for women who have taken time off to support their family. I know both initiatives have made a real difference to working parents at Vodafone.
Last but definitely not least, we have a target of 40% of senior management roles to be held by women by 2030. Won’t that be great to see at a Techco!
Connecting for a better future
I really believe in the Vodafone vision of connecting for a better future, and on a more personal level, the scale and complexity of the current transformation is exciting and challenging. I enjoy the opportunity to keep learning and having an impact every day.
I’m proud of everything we’re doing as a team, but I’d have to say my proudest moments have been when my team’s work is really visible in the market and to our customers. Seeing that we’re really making a difference to society is the best feeling.