20th March 2025

My Apprenticeship Has Surpassed All My Expectations: Here’s Why

Jake Randall
Data & Insights Specialist - Apprentice

I always enjoyed school and thrived in an academic setting, but as my attention turned towards post-education endeavours, I realised I was being shackled. As someone who is naturally very ambitious and driven to push myself and succeed, I didn't feel like three further years of education would see me flourish. So, when I discovered apprenticeships, they seemed like the ideal opportunity.

I was so convinced an apprenticeship was the route for me that despite my strong grades, I did not apply to any universities at all, placing all my eggs in one basket with a decision that was perhaps brave, probably naïve in hindsight given the competitiveness, and certainly unpopular with my teachers! Fast forward 6 months though and I’d taken an offer from Vodafone, who seemed a great cultural fit and presenting plenty of opportunities for me to birth my career. Data analysis appeared to be the perfect choice for me - I’m very mathematically-wired and have always been interested in computer science. Growing up I would code algorithms to predict football scores and the like in my free time and I’ve always been able to lose myself in the world of statistics. 

Now, my role is within the LPM & POM function in Products & Services, and our team manages the central organisational database, essentially acting as a commodity to the wider Vodafone Business (VB) community. With an emphasis on proficiency in data insights rather than data science (I’m frequently using full-stack Power BI and Power Apps), I work with a variety of senior stakeholders across the business on the Detailed Budgeting (DB) process and enabling data-driven strategic decision-making.

Detailed Budgeting: the short version (!)

Detailed Budgeting is the art of enabling the business to decide where to invest our budget for the next financial year. I play a central role in this at Vodafone, creating the platforms and tools by which the business stakeholders can effectively share their vision in both a qualitative and quantitative fashion. Once the data collection process is complete, I perform the data analytics to consolidate the information into actionable insights and advice to the business planning team.

The team then uses these to identify key areas for further interrogation and scrutiny for the next iterations of the process, and to begin to shape an investment picture which prioritises certain portfolios and their investments. When a new iteration begins, further data collection might be necessary to home in on these specific areas. We also use predictive analysis to forecast the effectiveness of certain activities and measures in shaping our DB estimations.

The DB process should culminate in an allocation of the Vodafone Business budget for the following financial year that allows the optimum balance of sustainable ambition for each portfolio to drive their products and services forward, while supporting the company in maintaining a competitive edge and establishing an upward growth trajectory. 

It is a really fascinating project to be a part of end-to-end, as it involves so many moving parts and different aspects to consider, teaches me a lot of new skills and unlike a lot of the work I would otherwise be involved in, has strict impromptu deadlines to adhere to. The pressure of this was something I had to adapt to but I enjoy and thrive under it – it’s a unique opportunity in the infancy of my career to mix with such senior figures, not only contributing real business value to a major project but also showcasing my talents on a big stage!

Opportunities beyond the day job

I feel fulfilled by my work in the apprenticeship, but I also know that to accelerate my learning and stand out from my peers, I should seek as many stretch opportunities as I can - and the Vodafone ecosystem offers plenty.

I have supported exciting initiatives within work, such as the Extreme E racing series enabling data analytics for NGO partners, and volunteered outside of my work remit organising charity sports social events for our youth community, and even running mock assessment centres for local students aspiring to follow the apprenticeship route too. These events (both for charitable causes and for fun) all really grow the tight-knit feel we have within the youth community at Vodafone, and help to build new connections that can actually support in the business environment as well.

On top of all this, I also chair the youth-led BILL Talks Committee. BILL Talks is a series of monthly talks that highlight exciting stories and business developments across Vodafone, inspiring our company-wide audience to explore beyond their day-to-day remit. Having initially joined as an Operations Specialist, I have since been elected chair, where I now get to oversee the various committee functions. Not only is it a really enjoyable position, but it provides a casual setting to obtain valuable project management experience – I've even had the opportunity to host talks to 100+ people!

What next for me?

As alluded to, I set myself lofty targets and chase a steep trajectory of milestones and achievements through my persistent inquisition, hard-work and ability to problem solve effectively. I never rest on my laurels and settle for the successes I've accomplished so far, but I think I have had a really successful apprenticeship journey, making a positive impact in a number of areas, and my immediate desire is to hopefully secure a full-time role at Vodafone beyond the conclusion of my scheme. Past this, if I continue to work hard and seek new opportunities to learn, develop and subsequently exemplify my talents, I hope to move into management, whether still at Vodafone or exploring pastures new. While I do maintain these high standards and insatiable appetite to accelerate my growth, I am also grounded, and recognise I still have a lot to learn, so I’m in no mad rush to achieve these targets right away – I would rather be thorough in my development now, learn things the right way, and know that if I continue to uphold the same values in my work I will have laid solid foundations to achieve the successes I desire.

Interested in an apprenticeship?

When I opted for an apprenticeship, it was very much a career-driven decision. I valued the other benefits, but it was the opportunities to accelerate my career development from the get-go that really stood out to me.

Never did I expect to have grown so much as a person and learnt so much more beyond this, and to have met so many amazing people. The old adage of foregoing your social life by making an early start in the corporate world could not have been further from reality for me. The culture and community, especially across the youth schemes, has made Vodafone a truly enjoyable place to work. Knowing there are so many friendly faces you could bump into around the office is always refreshing, and it’s been fantastic to see how approachable my team have been since day one.

I truly can’t speak highly enough of apprenticeships. For starters, it culminates in the same degree qualification a university course would offer, but with a staggering difference financially. You’ll be afforded the ability to save money from an early age, and probably have a greater disposable income than you'll ever have before bills, mortgages etc start to take over. On top of this, you'll meet so many amazing, like-minded people and earn invaluable commercial experience at an industry-leading multinational corporation.

With the opportunity to contribute to real-world business solutions, by scheme's end you'll be far more business-savvy than graduates entering the corporate world for the first time and ideally placed to kick on – the world will be your oyster! To anyone considering an apprenticeship, you should take the leap and follow in my footsteps!

What if you could create your own path?

Explore our current apprenticeships