Gary Hosken
Principal Manager CERTOver the last five years, companies have become more knowledgeable of their networks and increased their visibility, as cyber risk evolves.
We all remember Cloud Hopper from 2016-17, the widespread hacking campaign suspected to be orchestrated by Chinese cyber spies, and which impacted multiple companies in a range of industries. That was a watershed moment when the lesson was learned regarding trust and Managed Service Providers.
Nation-state attackers and those learning their way around the internet are evolving as they gain more access via Github, YouTube videos and better education. As technology evolves and matures, so too do attackers and their techniques; new playbooks are being written every day. Staying abreast of the latest cyberattack trends is critical.
Phishing and targeted phishing remain a soft entry route for attackers. Ransomware is similar; in theory, it’s a relatively easy tactic for the threat actors to deploy in the hope of getting lucky. Remember: a threat actor only has to be lucky once. In cybersecurity, we work to be lucky all the time.